December 11, 2017

The Answer is NO. The truth is there probably wouldn't be ANY authentic Japanese restaurants in many countries of the world or many parts of the USA. You probably would ask: "what is your personal standard for defining an authentic Japanese restaurant?" Well, it's very simple, an authentic Japanese restaurants MUST have a Japanese chef, Japanese owner. So, why is it so important to me? I've been giving this question a lot of thought lately based on the conversation that I had with some of my friends.

First off, I'll say this is just for a better experience, in general. That being said, I'd rather go to a Thai place run by Thai people or a McDonalds run by an American. When a Thai person makes Thai food, chances are they've been making it their whole life. When someone else makes Thai food, it's probably something they learned recently (in the last few years). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying non-Thai people cannot make good Thai food. I am saying that Thai people, in general, make bet...

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