March 26, 2018

A heartfelt thank you to our friends and customers for your loyalty and support! These will make us proud of what we are doing and will keep up the great work. We hope you enjoy our foods and drinks as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

March 24, 2018

CHEYENNE -- A Taiwanese diplomat had a good time last week in Cheyenne. Wyoming lawmakers voted Wednesday and Thursday to send a bill providing funds to Gov. Matt Mead’s desk for a trade representative to Taiwan. And later that day, the diplomat received an enthusiastic reception from Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr. The two discussed ways to better connect the Capital City to Taiwanese sister city, Taichung.

In an interview Thursday morning, Vincent Yao, director general of the Taipei Office of Cultural and Economic Affairs in Seattle, said he expected both meetings would pay dividends in trade and other partnerships down the road.

Taiwan was the 13th-largest buyer of Wyoming products last year, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, and the ninth-largest seller. Yao said he hopes to improve both rankings.

Brief contributed by the Wyoming News Exchange.

March 24, 2018

Shu-Shin (the young lady on the left), my best friend, is planning to come to Cheyenne in May. Shu-Shin was employed as a tea master at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in Taipei. During her stay in Cheyenne, she will perfect the procedure of making tea at Destination Taiwan. We look forward to enjoying her passion for sharing the art and tradition of tea.

March 22, 2018

Most of the shops use taro root powder mix, as far as I know. At Destination Taiwan, your taro milk is only made of fresh taro roots, which leaves Shiuan much harder work to do from carrying them 120 miles away to peel them one by one.

Taro root commonly refers to the plant Colocasia esculenta, the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the Araceae family which are used as vegetables for their corms. In Taiwan, taro is called 芋頭 (yùtóu) in Mandarin, or 芋仔 (ō͘-á) in Taiwanese. Taro is well-adapted to Taiwanese climate and can grow almost anywhere with minimal maintenance. Nowadays taro is used more often in desserts. When compared to a sweet potato, taro holds more potassium, magnesium and vitamin B and E. Because of Taro's low glycemic index levels it is much healthier for diabetics than potatoes. Taro can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and help you manage your weight. In addition, the Vitamin E acts like antioxidants that protects your cells.

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