December 31, 2018

As we usher in the new year with great celebrations and expectations, we take this moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our customers. Thank you all for your support and giving us the opportunity to grow. It has been a great pleasure serving you all through this year. We hope to continue this relationship in the forthcoming year. We wish all of you a happy and fulfilling new year!

December 30, 2018

We didn’t take it too serious when Fanny told us she had flown internationally to take baking school classes, until two days ago we received her holiday gift, a handmade cute and beautiful custom cake.

To be very honest with you guys, I do like cakes, but I’ve quit eating them since I moved to America. The store bought cakes are way-too-sweet for me and taste somewhat artificial. If I have to eat some, I try not to eat the frosting or icing and just eat a bit of the actual cake.

Fanny’s cake reminds me of the cakes I’ve ever ordered from Crowne Plaza Beijing. It’s not overly sweet but very moist. The design also combines classic technique and modern trends.

December 16, 2018

Thanks to Minato for bringing this holiday gift tree to us! The beautiful lime-green foliage is soft to the touch and has a pleasant lemon fragrance. Our place is like botanic garden.

December 10, 2018

There may not be other plant is as strongly associated with the festive season as the beautiful poinsettia. Many thanks to Kim, one of our loyal customers, for bringing Christmas poinsettia to our shop. It draws everyone's attention and makes for a wonderful feast of color.

December 6, 2018

A great article about Destination Taiwan published in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle on November 24. Many thanks to Chrissy Suttles, Business Reporter, for helping us with our story by getting it in the paper. We would like to become a source and reference point for our reporter as well.

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