June 20, 2019

Destination Taiwan's executive chef Shiuan meets our supplier Shu-Shin in Taipei. They will bring a number of Taiwan's 2019 trendy foods and drinks to Cheyenne. Some new foods you will soon be seeing on our menu. Please share with your friends and follow us on facebook.

June 4, 2019

Miss. Summer Gochanour is joining our team on May 21st. Summer will work as a part-time cashier/greeter at Destination Taiwan. So, if you see a new face of this young lady, please let her know that you are excited about her joining our team. And, please give her time to grow. Summer is multilingual, she has not only mastered various accents and dialects of British English and US English, she can also speak Spanish, French, German and Italian. Summer has a passion for working at Destination Taiwan, she is also a die-hard fan of our foods!

With excitement,

Shiuan & Yue

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