November 30, 2019

Dear friends:

We’ve decided to keep closed today due to the high wind blizzard weather. SAFETY FIRST! We encourage you to stay home to enjoy your holiday weekend and avoid traveling at this time. We will review the situation tomorrow morning.

Destination Taiwan

November 28, 2019

In observance of Thanksgiving, our shop will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 28-29, 2019. Our shop will reopen at its normal time on Saturday, November 30, 2019. Please have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!

November 25, 2019

There have been countless stories showing just how few Americans know about Taiwan. Well, that may not be quite true, some people know of its recent history and have a vague idea of its politics, but the food, culture and people all mysteries to the majority. For whatever reason we just don’t hear a lot about it here in the U.S. and even fewer people travel there on vacation. In hopes of changing part of that at least, and sharing some insights into this country, KGWN NewsChannel 5 reporter Grace Foulk is telling the stories of Destination Taiwan and food professionals, and how they realized their dreams in the kitchen.

Story covered by Grace Foulk

With special thanks to our customer Jessen, from our Fire Department

November 20, 2019

We were very happy to meet with a party of travel media guests from Taiwan in September. The expedition was conducted by State of Wyoming - Asia Pacific Trade Office. The group visited quite a few places in Wyoming. We have exchanged views on Wyoming’s tourism promoting and marketing. We are very excited to see what’s going to develop in the near future.

Photo credit: State of Wyoming - Asia Pacific Trade Office / Rae CZ Chiang

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