March 31, 2020

We found Yelp teaming up with GoFundMe and creating a donation button on our Yelp page. We were signed up without consent and opting out of the program was overly cumbersome. Yelp claims that in an effort to get businesses help quickly and easily, a GoFundMe fundraiser was AUTOMATICALLY added to the Yelp pages of eligible businesses. However, we have expressed reservations about it. We will not ask for donations, nor will we accept them. Instead, we think all the donations should be given directly to frontline healthcare heroes amid the coronavirus pandemic.

We feel a lot of love from our community these days, and we are amazed that there are so many people care enough about us and support us in various ways. We are just happy enough that you are supporting us by loving and enjoying our foods. Stay safe folks, we are here to stand side-by-side with you to get through this tough time.

March 11, 2020

As Colorado declared a State of Emergency, we take further preventive measures due to the growing risk of coronavirus.

As our job needs to routinely come into contact with the public, wearing a face mask is considered one of the preventive measures. We understand the differences in culture, which is,  in America people don’t see face masks as preventive measure, it’s something you wear after you are sick. Although CDC also does not recommend the use of face masks or respirators for the general public, we insist on the importance of wearing a face mask based on the following facts and common sense that we’ve been closely monitored since January.

  1. The coronavirus is structurally different than any of the strains of influenza in the USA.

  2. The vast majority of annual flu deaths in the USA are cases where the patient hasn't been vaccinated. This is not an option with the coronavirus. Being a brand new strain, no curative or preventive medicines/vaccines are available at this moment.

  3. ...
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